OPINION: Ghana's 6 decades

Independence Day is a day I make sober reflections on how far Ghana has fared within the past six decades after declaring itself free.
Free from colonialism, imperialism, neocolonial dogma and free from any sort of external influence. The men and women who led this revolution can only be celebrated for their virtues so utterly displayed, they pioneered a great cause and will forever be eulogized for claiming a country for themselves and generations.
On 6th March 1957, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah in a spirited speech, proclaimed that there is a new Africa in the world, Africa that is able to fight its own battle and show that after all, the Blackman is capable of managing his own affairs. Six decades later, that statement remains an ambition, elated by his enthusiastic euphoria. Six decades later, Ghana is still staggering in living up to its true meaning, the Star of Africa, the beacon of Self-Struggle and a hope to all other African countries who were at time, either apartheid or dominantly divided, colonized and segregated.

Ghana's political history is riddled with unpardonable instability and selfishness.
One of our many problems as a people is that we have failed to craft a country of our own, we have failed to build a country founded by our collective selflessness, spirit of nationalism, our talents and resources. Our saddest tragedy is told in our pessimism, inferiority and mediocrity. We do not have belief in our ability as people who can build our own country.
We will continue to sing the dirge of political bigotry, robbery and corruption until we come to realize that our fiercest problem is not leadership but a lingering defect of conscience. That Consciousness, that awakening which rings the  symphony of togetherness, identity, patriotism and the spirit of nation-building.
Across the world, nations that have developed and continue to dominate international affairs are nations whose people are bonded by their burdening desires to do exploits, enhance their fields through compelling talents, write the next course of history and by so doing, have unparallelly, built magnificent countries of their own accord. Our indifference to problems that confront us, our unwillingness to take responsibilities, to take charge of our own destiny, our contentment with mediocrity, our pessimism, our attitudes, our social discord are the reasons why our political leaders have excuses for their folly.

We have to Rise now and Build...Arise oh Ghana.
The destiny of this nation resides in our individual dispositions. Let's come together with the spirit of nationalism, selflessness and claim this country for ourselves.

The Herald©
Vice President-YALDA UHAS


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