Tension in Aduman SHS as teachers demand removal of Headmaster

There is growing tension in the Aduman Senior High School in the Afigya Kwabre district of the Ashanti Region where teachers are calling for the removal of the school’s headmaster Mr. Francis Yao Agorsor from office.

Ultimate News has intercepted a document signed by teachers of the school and submitted to the education ministry to this effect.

According to the teachers, Mr Yao Agorsor disrespects and assaults teachers at will and has on some occasions misconducted himself and walked out on the Parent Teacher Association.

In the letter written to the Minister of Education in charge of senior high Vocational and Technical schools and signed by the school’s staff secretary Kwasi Owusu, the teachers relay five stated reasons why they feel they cannot continue to work with Francis Yao Agorsor as head master.

The stated reasons include Show of Disrespect to Teachers and Stakeholders; Show of Extreme Anger; Victimization and Vindictiveness and Lack of Respect for Teachers explaining with vivid incidents where the headmaster verbally and physically attacked teachers and issued threats of dismissal to teachers who expressed their opposing views to his policies.

The teachers insist all avenues to get the headmaster to amend his ways have proven unsuccessful.

The letter stated, “Specifically, we first petitioned the headmaster directly and copied the District Director of Education for Afigya Kwabre but the headmaster did not even acknowledge receipt of our letter let alone availing himself for resolution of the problem. Thereafter, we petitioned the School Board of Governors and copied all the members individually including the Ashanti Regional Director and District Director of Education as members of the School Board but their interventions did not address the substantive issues raised in our petition. Failure on the part of our authorities to resolve the issues have further fouled the academic environment and escalated the tension in the school.”

“Sir, we believe that, the actions of the headmaster, Mr. Francis Yao Agorsor, will adversely affect specifically, the quality aspect of the Government’s Free Senior High School programme. This is by reason of his intolerant, truculent, pugnacious and demotivating demeanour stifling teacher initiative and commitment to work. His open assault of teachers is also an affront to proper moral upbringing of high school students. We, the teachers of Aduman Senior High School, think that, we will do our students, school and country as a whole a great disservice if we sit down unconcerned for a single person’s parochial interest to ruin the huge investment the government is making in our students hence our petition to your high office for his removal,” it added.

Speaking to Ultimate News’ Ivan Heathcote – Fumador, the staff secretary Kwasi Owusu insisted that the teachers have resolved to embark on a series of actions to register their unwillingness to continue working with the head master if government fails to show him the exit.

On Monday, if we go to meet him there, we will not comply with any directive he gives. All the teachers have said we will not attend to any staff meetings,” he threatened.

Meanwhile the Education Ministry is yet to respond to the petition forwarded to its outfit by the teachers.


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