GES bans female teachers from wearing miniskirts and trousers

Teachers must distinguish dressing at home from dressing for official duties
Female teachers in basic and second cycle institutions in the country have been banned from wearing skimpy dresses as well as trousers henceforth, a directive from the Ghana Education Service(GES) revealed.
According to a letter signed by the Hohoe Municipal Director of Education Wordui Joseph K, teachers must distinguish themselves from the manner in which they dress at home [casually] and for officials duties warning that those who defy the directive in accordance with GES dress code will face sanctions.

“No lady is allowed to put on a pair of trousers to work except during sporting activities. They can however put on suit. Miniskirts and sleeveless dresses must be avoided. Too much make-ups and multi coloured hairdos must also be avoided. Cosmetic treatment (Pedicure) etc should be minimized”, the directive explained
For their male counterparts the GES directed that they should avoiding putting g on jeans trousers and round-neck T-shirts.
“The acceptable T-shirts is a lacoste with breast pocket. Hanging of earphones on the ear as well as lose dressing (Oto Phister) during contact hours is unacceptable”, it warned.
The GES reiterated its resolve to sanction any teacher or officer who may in one way or the other violate the dress code as prescribed.


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