MMDCEs: All you need to know about Assin North Municipal elections today

In accordance with article 243 of the country's constitution, Assin North Municipal Assembly is expected today Friday May 5, 2017 to confirm or reject their MCE designate by Assembly members of the local area.
The constitutional practice which has raised eyebrows in some local government areas in the country following mixed feelings among persons who feel they are fortunate to have had some candidates appointed, and others who think the government has not been fair enough to them, will today at the Assin municipal Assembly be brought to a test as the Members of the Assembly decides the fate of Hon. Fiifi Baako MCE designate for the area.
So far only two out of the ten approved appointees have been rejected by their assemblies, coming into today's elections. In an interview with the editor of Home of Entertainment and news, mr. Badu Solomon, has this advice for  MCE of the area as he is of a hundred percent assurance of the assembly's approval and victory for Hon. Fiifi Baako.
'' He should learn from past experiences of his predecessors,
Listen more and speak less, Must be less partisan to prevent ntunnecessary propaganda,
Control his own assembly members, Involve technocrats in his decisions if needed. He again added that though, He cannot satisfy all, but he must do his possible best to listen to everybody and
Must be very careful about his own people especially family, classmates, colleague teachers and supposedly friends,  Clean the Assembly from filth of "mebaaha akye" people. They are all corrupted over the period because they have stayed for long he also added that,he
Must know how to deal with the MP who is the single most important person in his administration. So powerful to make and unmake him.
I trust his knowledge and wisdom to deal with all these my humble suggestions'' he ended.

Story by : Kofi Atinka


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