Nana Addo Speaks: Ghana Is In Crisis”

“Ghana, today, is in crisis”, that says the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party, Nana Akufo Addo.
In an address to members of the New Patriotic Party during the launch of the party’s 2016 fundraising campaign, Nana Addo pinpointed vital areas within the economy the Mahama led government has lost steam.
“ Our economy is in tatters. Inflation is high. Taxes are rising. Businesses, both big and small, are struggling, and millions of young men and women are without work. Incompetence is the hallmark of the Mahama government ”, he said.
Below is a copy of his address…
Good afternoon. It is a pleasure to have you all here at the launch of the NPP’s 2016 fundraising campaign, targeted at every single Ghanaian who is depressed and dejected at the sorry state in which our country is.
Ghana, today, is in crisis. Agriculture, once upon a time the bedrock of our development, is a pale shadow of its former self. Manufacturing is at a very low ebb. Corruption is at its height.
Our economy is in tatters. Inflation is high. Taxes are rising. Businesses, both big and small, are struggling, and millions of young men and women are without work. Incompetence is the hallmark of the Mahama government. Government appointments are not based on merit, but on considerations which are not only puzzling, but also bizarre.
Our healthcare system is in shambles, with the collapse of the NHIS. The cost of education continues to be a big challenge for too many families. Young people, who have toiled to obtain qualifications, are having great difficulty in finding jobs. And there are hundreds of thousands of Ghanaian children who are not getting the kind of education that they need to compete in the 21st century.
Ghana is in trouble. There is the need for a change in the way this country is governed, a change that will make way for a competent, honest, hardworking, well-qualified team to take over the affairs of this country and steer it in the direction of prosperity for all, instead of the current state of affairs which dwells on prosperity for the friends and family of the people in power.
What excites me is that, in spite of all the difficulties, the Ghanaian people have hope. They have hope for a brighter future. They have hope because they believe change is coming. They believe change is coming because all over the country, Ghanaians from all walks of life, whether NPP or not, are all doing their bit to make this change happen this November.
People are supporting the campaign with cash donations, both big and small. And there are many people who are waking up at dawn every day simply to pray for this campaign and its success.
There are also people who, without prompting from the campaign team, are engaging in door-to-door campaigns and educating people on why and how Mahama’s incompetent governance is setting us and our country back; and why a vote on November 7th for me and the NPP, based on its solid track record under President J.A. Kufuor, will mean a vote for a better-managed economy, a revamped agricultural sector, the revival of our manufacturing sector, a revived NHIS, an accessible, quality educational system, and a vibrant private sector which drives the economy and by so doing creates employment for Ghana’s youth.
To you all, who continue to spend time and money on this campaign, I say a big thank you. God richly bless you.
It is not only in Ghana that I meet people eager to support the 2016 NPP campaign with their money. Whenever I travel abroad, people keep asking how to support the 2016 NPP campaign. And I continue to receive countless emails, Facebook messages and other messages on social media from Ghanaians, home and abroad, with the same question.
Today, I finally have an answer for them and deem it an honour to launch a fundraising campaign that would give Ghanaians, who have had enough of the bad governance of President Mahama, the opportunity to contribute generously to the NPP campaign that will, by the Grace of God, rid us of the Mahama government in November.
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The Campaign Fundraising team has devised several means by which people can make a donation to this campaign. People can contribute via special airtime top-up scratch cards, via SMS, via cluster platforms. via the ‘I-am-for-Nana’ mobile app which allows donors, both in Ghana and abroad, to contribute using their Visa or Mastercard and allows donors in Ghana to donate also via Mobile Money.
Today, I invite students, business people, engineers, IT people, teachers, contractors, workers, professionals, public servants, security personnel, media people, bankers, industrialists, taxi drivers, truck drivers, fishermen, farmers, traders, market women, carpenters, painters, masons, shoe-shine boys, hawkers, nurses, doctors, lecturers, tailors, hairdressers and dressmakers; I invite every single Ghanaian, who is sick and tired of the Mahama government’s corruption and incompetence, to sign up to donate money to the NPP campaign and throw their weight behind it, believing that, in the collective force of their individual power, together, we would effect the change our country so desperately needs.
No amount is too small. If 1,000 people donate one cedi every day till Election Day, the campaign will raise in excess of two hundred thousand cedis; a sum of money that would significantly support our efforts to ensure we get rid of the Mahama government, God willing, on November 7th. And, I assure you, the money you contribute will be used for its true purpose.
We need to rescue our country and get her to work again. We need to save Ghana from the Mahama government. Let us come together to save our country by doing our bit to achieve the change we so much desire.
Donate for Change! Pray for Change! Knock Doors for Change! Arise for Change!
God bless Ghana and God bless us all. I thank you for your kind attention.


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